Sex! Politics! Religion!


Sex, politics, and religion; the three topics one should not speak of in polite company and conversation. Which has left it for the impolite minority to bend, twist, and mutilate the way these things are presented, molding the way society perceives them (and ultimately thinks about them) whether the person is conscious of the change or not. By honoring the tradition of remaining mute on these important subjects, many people, hesitant or afraid to offend another, have ceded ground from the once dominant opinions and beliefs to those more base in nature but more loudly and insistently conveyed.

On every one of those issues, restraint is replaced by permissiveness, logic by emotion, and maintaining traditional norms for constant change under the guise of “progress.” You can’t build a house on a foundation that constantly shifts and changes, but by attacking and undermining an existing foundation you will collapse a house. Our house, our once civil society is crumbling; to be replaced by what?

What house will chaos build?

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The Course Of Empire: Destruction
Thomas Cole 1836
